Aisha Yesufu reacted to his claims announcing that it’s now not real, she said that David Hundeyin makes allegations, then look for something which can substantiate the allegations, and something remotely linked is used.

Aisha Yesufu found out that David Hundeyin accused her of getting previous information of police tampering with car brakes in the course of the End SARS protest after she raised an alarm over her brakes.

According to her, that David Hundeyin does no longer print where the investigation does now not tally with the accusations doesn’t mean he doesn’t accuse humans falsely or maliciously. She referred to that a very good journalist can be awesome but wrong with the aid of the demons in him much like R. Kelly.

Aisha Yesufu discovered that if there was a smartphone call or textual content that she exchanged with any police person, irrespective of what it changed into about, it would were painted as proof through David Hundeyin, however nothing beats sincerity of cause.

— Aisha Yesufu (@AishaYesufu) October 1, 2022

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