How Did Alicia DeBolt Die? At the youthful age of 14, Alicia DeBolt was planning to enter her first year at Great Bend High School – with a cheerleading spot previously saved – when it was totally grabbed away from her in a solitary evening. There’s no rejecting that she was athletic and cutthroat, at this point the youthful youngster likewise had a previous that impacted her way of life in a manner most would consider irksome. Consequently, when she uniquely missed a cheer practice (her actual enthusiasm) and didn’t return home, while many accepted that she might’ve quite recently fled, Alicia’s family promptly detailed her missing.

Alicia had ventured out from home for a party not long before 12 PM on August 21, 2010, at no point to be seen or heard from in the future. Her folks attempted to contact their little girl by means of calls and texts in the hours that followed, particularly later on the next day, around the hour of her training. After getting no reaction, they reached the specialists. Sadly, however, the quest for the high schooler finished up just three days after the fact, when her roasted remaining parts, with hints of weighty pipe tape on both her lower legs and face, were recuperated from close to a Venture Corporation plant right external the city. The particular reason for her demise stays obscure.

Who Killed Alicia DeBolt? Alicia DeBolt’s body was extremely seriously singed that she must be distinguished in light of dental records, making it clear that her unexpected vanishing and demise were no mishap. During the following requests, authorities immediately revealed that then-36-year-old Adam Joseph Longoria had been seeking after the minor since the time meeting her at a party in July 2010. The couple had traded many instant messages throughout the following month, with him venturing to refer to Alicia as “hot stuff,” mentioning pictures, and offering food, liquor, and rides to more gatherings. He had a live-in sweetheart at that point, at this point even that didn’t make any difference.

All the more significantly, however, in addition to the fact that adam was a worker at the black-top plant where Alicia’s remaining parts were found, yet their messages likewise showed that he was the one who’d got her on that game changing evening. As though that wasn’t to the point of implicating him, video reconnaissance from a close by store discovered him purchasing $1.32 worth of gas that evening, and hints of the fuel were additionally on the shoes and shorts he’d been wearing. Moreover, Adam’s semen blended in with Alicia’s DNA was recuperated from inside his then-sweetheart’s vehicle – the one he’d been driving that evening.

In the hours after agents gathered this proof from Adam’s property – before crime scene investigation affirmed a definite association – Adam took a vehicle from his work environment and attempted to escape, just to be captured that very day. He was then arraigned of vehicle thievery, robbery, and capital homicide, with the investigators asserting that he’d bound Alicia with channel tape trying to assault her prior to killing her. We should specify that Adam had recently been blamed for conveying a couple of bomb intimidations to a primary school in McDowell, North Carolina.

Where could Adam Longoria Now be? Adam Joseph Longoria was viewed as blameworthy as charged after a jury preliminary in April 2012, where he didn’t affirm with all due respect. For the count of capital homicide, according to records, the hearers must be certain he carried out criminal homosexuality, exasperated criminal homosexuality, or endeavored assault during the time spent the killing, and they established that he did each of the three. Consequently, in June 2012, he was condemned to compulsory life in jail without the chance of parole, in addition to an extra 17 and 7 months for vehicle burglary and robbery, separately.

Since Adam had postponed his entitlement to be available at the condemning hearing, he didn’t offer any expressions concerning the matter. He pursued his conviction later on, yet the Kansas Supreme Court maintained it in mid 2015. In this way, today, at 48 years old (born November 1973), Adam is detained at the most extreme security El Dorado Correctional Facility in Prospect Township in Butler County, Kansas, where he is relied upon to stay for the remainder of his regular life.