She came into media through her mom Selenis Leyva. Also, there are a few bits of gossip that Alina Leyva was embraced by Selenis Leyva.

Alina Leyva is notable as the little girl of well known American entertainer Selenis Leyva.

There is no data with respect to her birthday and origin.

As per a few bits of gossip, it comes to realize that Alina Leyva is an embraced youngster who was received by Selenis Leyva.

She is most fortunate young lady who got mother like Selenis Leyva.

Her mom Selenis is one of the most mainstream entertainer who has a mass measure of fan following.

Selenis Leyva comes in each capacity and program with her little girl Alina Leyva.

We can see heaps of adoration and fondness among mother and little girl.

Selenis Leyva continues imparting a photograph to her girl Alina via web-based networking media.

In spite of the fact that she was received she got an extremely adoring and caring mother.

Additionally, Alina Leyva carries on with a rich way of life with her mom Selenis Leyva.