Altiyan Childs is by all accounts alive. Notwithstanding, his whereabouts stay obscure. The X-Factor victor uncovered the privileged insights of Freemasonry through a 5-extended video on YouTube.

Workmanship is a brotherly association that traces all the way back to nearby organizations of stonemasons from the thirteenth century. Notwithstanding, numerous paranoid notions encompass it.

Some say that Freemasonry praises revelry, homosexuality, inbreeding, and savagery. There is additionally a conviction that it and black magic are something similar.

As per Altiyan, the discipline for somebody who denies the pledges of the faction is demise. He posted a video in June 2021 on YouTube to demonstrate that Freemasonry and Satanism are something very similar and that the Freemasons control the globe.

In the video, he reports that he risks his life for forsaking his pledges. Once, he nodded off while driving however stayed away from the collide with a block facade. He apparently heard a murmur in his ear, awakening him.

Childs likewise says that pretty much every world chief, from legislative issues to business and even amusement, endured Freemasonry. The artist shares his insider viewpoint and cautioning of the impending Luciferian New World Order in the video.

He has had a couple of contentions before. The police captured his director on 4 April 2011 after they struck his home and revealed a substance lab for assembling restricted medications. Days before the strike occurred, he moved out of the property, which he imparted to different housemates, including his chief.

What’s more in January 2012, Taree Local Court viewed him to be liable of having methamphetamine and pot in his framework. The cop pulled him over while driving in November 2011.

XFactor Winner Altiyan Childs Risks His Life & Exposes EVERYTHING

— John R Hobbs (@apg_rocks) December 10, 2021

With respect to the religion of Altiyan Childs, he appears to have been an adherent to Freemasonry. The melodic craftsman hasn’t unveiled it publically. In any case, his five-extended video absolutely causes you to feel that he was into that old religion.

The assessed total assets of Altiyan Childs is $9 million. His type of revenue is music streams/deals and brand supports (assuming any). Taking into account how fruitful his collections have done industrially, the assessments appear to be exact.

Altiyan’s presentation single Somewhere in the World was among the best ten in Australia and New Zealand. Similarly, his self-named debut collection is platinum-confirmed. Further, he additionally assumed the part of Jesus Christ Superstar in 2016. That gig likely added some add up to his total assets.