Amanda is American based fitness coach and wellness model. She won the International Federation of Professional Bodybuilding Cards (IFBB) in 2009.

Amanda Latona is the proprietor of BootyQueen shop just as known for being the spouse of jock Steve Kuclo. She was born on March 24, 1979.

According to her introduction to the world detail, she is a local American and from a Caucasian ethnical gathering. According to crystal gazing, she is an Aries. Her calling is lifting weights, Fitness model, and TV have.

She at present lives in Dallas, Texas with her significant other with whom she secured the bunch formally on February 7, 2015. Its been six years of glad wedded life they had spent.


AMANDA KUCLO (@amandalatona)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

Before she began her profession in wellness, she was a vocalist and covered many stage occasions. At 18 years old, she performed with her band called Innosense close by Britney Spears.

She stands 5 feet and 5 inches tall and weighs up to 120 lbs. Her assessed total assets is near $ 1 million to $5 million. She isn’t yet highlighted on the Wikipedia page.

Reddit has some news referencing that Amanda is having a pained relationship with his better half, Steve. According to the detail, she blamed her significant other for tricking her.


AMANDA KUCLO (@amandalatona)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

She accepts that her significant other is undermining her over another lady. This, however she said, Steve did likewise to his previous accomplice over Amanda.

Be that as it may, delving into their web-based media stage, the couple appears all good and leads a glad wedded life. We wish them a decent and cheerful wedded life as well.

Steve Kuclo doesn’t have a sweetheart. Or then again suppose there is no affirmation on him having extramarital illicit relationship. Notwithstanding, there is gossip that he is betraying his better half.

The co-competitor Michelle Sylvia was supposed to be his accomplice referenced in certain articles. In any case, there’s no proof to help the claim.

It’s anything but another subject that famous people are frequently got into bits of hearsay, and you should not fall into bits of gossip. Essentially, this must be affirmed, before Steve will be denounced. Instagram account.


AMANDA KUCLO (@amandalatona)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi