What’s a 4X game, you may ask? It refers to the genre of turn-based strategic games in which the object is to eXplore the game world, eXpand owned territory, eXploit resources (and other inhabitants) in pursuit of the eXtermination of all opposition. Yes, I know it should be the 4 ‘E’s, but the term was first coined in the 90s by game designer and journalist Alan Emrich, so it seems a little late to go changing it now.

Now, in an act of delightful symmetry, young Brendan is taking up the mantle of journalist-turned-designer to create Predestination his independent development studio operation, Brain and Nerd. Based out of a Belfast-based office occupying the top floor of what used to be a house and with a very successful Kickstarter campaign, as well as a small but dedicated team and an enthusiastic community behind him, Brendan seems to be on the inevitable path leading toward the realisation of his own Predestination.

I caught up with Brain and Nerd Lead Developer Brendan, and Project Manager Tina Lauro for the latest skinny on Predestination.

NEXT: Introducing Predestination


Predestination Exclusive Series Contents 

An Exclusive Interview with the Brains and Nerds Behind Indie 4X Game Predestination Introducing Predestination Predestination: Concepts and Influences Predestination: Paths to Victory Predestination: Combat Gameplay Predestination: Development and Release Predestination: Building the Brain and Nerd Brand  Predestination Creator Brendan Drain on Developing His First Game Closing Thoughts and Useful Links